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Shipping policy

Shipping Policy

We strive to provide you with a seamless shopping experience at CutsWear. Please find below the details of our shipping policy, including order processing time, shipping time, total delivery time, and shipping fees.

Aspect Timeframe
Order Processing Time 5-9 days
Shipping Time 7-10 days
Total Delivery Time 13-19 days
Shipping Fees Free for orders over $89
$6 for orders below $89

Please note the following information:

  1. Order Processing Time:

    • We require 5-9 days to process and prepare your order for shipment. This includes quality checks and careful packaging to ensure your items arrive in excellent condition.
  2. Shipping Time:

    • Once your order has been processed, it will be shipped and delivered within 7-10 days. Please note that factors such as customs clearance, holidays, or unforeseen delays may impact the actual delivery time.
  3. Total Delivery Time:

    • The total delivery time, from order placement to receipt of the package, is estimated to be within 13-19 days. This includes both the order processing time and the shipping time mentioned above.
  4. Shipping Fees:

    • We offer free shipping for orders totaling $89 or more. For orders below $89, a flat shipping fee of $6 will be applied. Please note that all prices listed on our website, including shipping fees, are inclusive of taxes. Therefore, customers are not required to pay any additional taxes during the checkout process.
  5. Order Tracking:

    • Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing a tracking number. This will enable you to track the progress of your shipment.
    • To track your order, please visit our tracking page at https://www.cutswear.com/pages/track-order and enter the provided tracking number.
  6. Undelivered Orders:

    • If your order has not been received within 45 days from the date of shipment, please contact us at contact@mail.cutswear.com. Our dedicated customer support team will assist you in locating your package or initiating a resolution.
  7. Shipping Restrictions:

    • At the moment, we only offer shipping services within the United States. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
  8. Address Accuracy:

    • It is the customer's responsibility to provide accurate and complete shipping information during the checkout process. Please ensure that the shipping address provided is correct to avoid any delivery issues or delays.
    • In the event that an incorrect or incomplete address is provided, please contact us immediately at contact@mail.cutswear.com. While we will make every effort to assist you in correcting the address, please note that we cannot guarantee changes once the order is shipped.
  9. Customs and Duties:

    • For international orders, customs duties, taxes, or other fees may be applicable according to your country's import regulations.
    • Any additional charges related to customs clearance or import duties are the sole responsibility of the customer. Please familiarize yourself with your country's customs policies before placing an order.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our shipping policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at contact@mail.cutswear.com. Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you and ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Please note that this shipping policy is subject to change without prior notice. We recommend reviewing the policy periodically to stay informed about any updates.